Resource Therapy + EMDR identify, process, and resolve issues
Catherine is a highly skilled and experienced pychotherapist and clinical supervisor. Her natural warmth, rapport and empathy along with her non-judgemental approach support her passion for helping people through change and difficult situations. “I am passionate about guiding clients to a happier life.”
Catherine provides treatment for trauma, stress management, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, grief and loss, adverse childhood experiences, eating disorders, drug and alcohol dependency, gambling, compulsive shopping, relationship difficulties, anger management, low self worth, lack of self confidence, trust issues.
The initial session focusses on getting to know you, understanding your situation and exploring how you got to be the way you are. Catherine will ask you a diverse range of questions that allow her to conceptualise your case.
Let’s find out what happened to you.
Catherine will then focus on underlying negative beliefs, internal schema and and experiences that are causing you distress. Everything will be explained. When you feel ready she will guide you very safely through proven therapeutic processes to clear, heal and restore your sense of confidence and wellbeing.
Trauma and distress sit in the body as well as the mind and brain. Working on all levels simultaneously changes thought patterns, neural pathways and behaviours.
Catherine uses Resource Therapy and EMDR, two psychodynamic therapies that support the mind/brain in activating its natural healing process. Catherine’s work is supported with creating a safe space, mindfulness and relaxation practices, and positive resourcing.
Do you want to make changes in your life, are you sick of feeling anxious, depressed, uncertain, dissatisfied, addicted – does life feels overwhelming – come and talk about it and together we will explore what you really want and what is stopping you.
What are you ready to change about yourself today?
Qualifications and training: BA Communications, Grad Dip Education, Grad Dip Counselling, Clinical supervision, Clinical Resource Therapy, Advanced EMDR, Attachment Focussed EMDR, Imago Couples Therapy, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Hatha Yoga and Meditation Instructor.
Registered member: ACA Level 2, EMDRAA
Appointments in North Bondi, Newcastle and online.
putting you first…
EMDR Therapy,
Feel good about yourself, feel normal. Develop skills to be calm and balanced in all situations.
Sick of point scoring? Tired of sulking in silence? Relationships require continual transformation to go the distance. Catherine is skilled in helping couples negotiate their differences and work towards stronger, more confident, enduring relationships.
Substance misuse
Addiction takes many forms - alcohol, drugs, gambling, food, sex, shopping. Resource Therapy can be highly effective in helping you avoid the triggers of addiction and re-training your brain to adopt more positive, life-enhancing habits.
Depression can take all the joy out of living but thankfully, it is treatable. Resource Therapy, Emotional Freedom Therapy, and Mindfulness practices are highly successful in rebalancing mood disorders and dissolving depression.

From others who’ve tried it…
“I didn’t realise how powerful that therapy could be. It allowed me to stop assuming the worst from others and to trust my judgement.”
S, 38
“You are a truely a wonder. It made such a difference today. It’s actually quite astonishing. I am amazed.”
K, 67
“Thank you - I feel so much calmer. It was really what I needed. I am so incredibly grateful to have you in my life.”
M, 30
Ready to get started?
Call/message me on 0407 940 535 or send me an email using the contact.
ACA registered level 2 counsellor
Resource Therapy, EMDR, CBT, EFT
ACA registered Clinical Supervisor
Eligible for Medibank Private rebate
$200 per hour
Book an Appointment